2017-09-05 09:49 PM
I was trying to Build a project for the 'sensortile - STEVAL-STLKT01V1' using 'System Workbench for STM32' and I get this error message 'Invalid project path: Include path not found (C:\STSW-STLKT01_V1.3.1\Projects\SensorTile\Applications\DataLog\SW4STM32\STM32L47xx_SensorTile\Debug\Inc)'.
#stm32l476jgy6 #sensortile2017-09-06 03:11 AM
Just for confirmation, the message you mentioned is a Warning (not an Error), right?
In any case we'll fix it in the next release.
It is a problem of wrong path in the project properties: C/C++ General --> Paths and Symbols --> Assembly
Remove the two lines ''Debug'' and ''Debug/ROJ_DIRS$/../Inc''. This should be enough to get rid of the warning message.
2017-09-06 07:46 AM
And does the directory in fact exist or not? Is the compiler/linker correct? Is there a similar directory within the source tree? Have you moved the workspace? Was the workspace created with some different drive/directory expectations? Can you edit the 'Include Paths' to either fix or remove this one?
2017-09-06 09:20 PM
Yes, the message was a warning and not an error. I followed your instructions and the warnings do not occur anymore. Thanks.
However, I got errors now which look like the ones in the attached image. I tried to fix them but was not successful.