2021-04-12 07:07 AM
hallo everyone,
i would like to kno what is the difference between io link sensor STEVAL-IDP005V2 vs STEVAL-IDP005V1. i could see version2 has a io link stack but no version1. is it possible to add io link stack to version 1?.
Thank you
2021-04-12 08:38 AM
The STEVAL-IDP005V1 was part of the STEVAL-BFA001V1B, but it is NRND (Not Recommended for New Designs).
Yes, an IO-Link stack can be added, please get in contact with TE-Concept.
When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best. This will help other users find that answer faster.
Good luck!
2021-04-12 11:09 PM
Thank you for the answer. so can i use software package STSW-BFA001V2 for STEVAL-IDP005V1 instead of STSW-BFA001V1 fur STEVAL-IDP005V1
Can you please explain what is does it really means NRND. what are the limititation?.
Thanking you.
2021-04-12 11:24 PM
It means they won't support new designs with new customers for this part, and the longevity of the part is questionable.
Either it has been replacement by a newer part, or the line has been deemed unsupportable going forward.
Your local sales/support contacts might be able to provide specific reasons and decision drivers related to the movement to DRND