2017-03-21 12:41 AM
Posted on March 21, 2017 at 08:41
While uploading the binary file, I am unable to flash the code to my stm32l476jgy6 while using the ST BlueMS android app.
The code is uploaded 100 percent but it is not flashed.
Attaching the screenshot for the above problem
Please Help
2017-03-21 3:01 AM
have you tried to use the MOTENV1_V2.2.0 package by ST?It is an example that use a FOTA, maybe you can start from this project to build yours2017-03-22 7:28 AM
Hi Nitish Arora,
in order to help you, could you tell me:
-) phone/tablet model and related android version?-) ST BlueMS android app version?-) what is the binary file that you are uploading?Again, you are using stm32l476jgy6: NUCLEO or SensorTile?
Salvatore Curti.2017-03-24 12:03 AM
Yes, I am using the same
2017-03-24 12:12 AM
I am using coolpad dazen 1 with android kitkat 4.4
I am using the ST BlueMS version 3.3
I am trying to upload the BlueMS2_ST binary file, through OTA, provided in the BlueMicroSystem2
I am using sensor tile
2017-03-24 7:44 AM
Hi Nitish Arora,
Unfortunately we cannot test the FW with the same smartphone model and with the same android version that you are using.
The problem could be the stack bluetooth (Timeout problem) of the smartphone model.I suggest: after the FOTA, reset the board but you do not close the BlueMS app; when the board is reconnected, repeat the FOTA (the speed will be less).
The images below show the FOTA with the ASUS Zenfone with android 6.
2017-09-26 1:15 PM
I am using 'STM32CubeFunctionPack_MOTENV1_V3.0.0' on SensorTile and have same issue today.
The file I used in Android phone is 'Applications\MOTENV1\Binary\STM32L476RG-SensorTile\MOTENV1_ST.bin'
Is this the right file for OTA purpose ?