2022-08-10 07:46 AM
Hi there fellas, i got me two Steval-Stwincsv1 and i'm now using the HSDataLog. Everything works perfectly when only one of the sensors is plugged on to the Computer. When i plug the second one and start it, one of them start, and ONLY ONE. It seems like that, i cannot choose which one of them am i triggering. My question is: How am I supposed to choose the sensor which i want the data from, because i cannot seem to be able to choose COM port or do something with the .json config files?
2022-08-12 05:43 AM
Hi @BRade.1 ,
I'm pretty sure there it the way to recognize the STEWAL-STWINKT you are using for the acquisition at a particular time.
Taking for instance the .json configuration file examples in the FP-SNS-DATALOG1 (folder: \Utilities\STWIN_config_examples), in the "device" tag you see the serial number and the Alias you can choose, different for the two boards:
"device": {
"deviceInfo": {
"serialNumber": "001D00045652500420303153",
"alias": "STWIN_001",
"partNumber": "STEVAL-STWINKT1B",
By setting this you should keep track at sw level of the board you are using.
2022-08-12 07:05 AM
I have tried to use the .json and tried with using the right serial number and switched the 001 to 002 but it does affect anything. It doesn't matter what i do, only one of the boards is working at a time when both are plugged. If i use the python "python hsdatalog_cli.py -i" i can choose, but my idea is complete automation from the messurment.
DeviceConfig 1:
"device": {
"deviceInfo": {
"serialNumber": "000A0013374E50132030364B",
"alias": "STWIN_001",
"partNumber": "STEVAL-STWINKT1B",
"device": {
"deviceInfo": {
"serialNumber": "000E000C374E50132030364B",
"alias": "STWIN_002",
"partNumber": "STEVAL-STWINKT1B",
it just doesn't work for me.