2020-12-26 1:18 AM
In past, ST launched an angular accelerometer sensor, but now can not find your website.
2021-01-04 1:35 AM
Hi @Szhan.2 ,
unfortunately there is no native angular accelerometer in ST portfolio so far...
But why don't you use a linear accelerometer placed at known distance "r" of a rotating object, so that you can calculate the angular acceleration from the linear one, or you might use a gyroscope that naturally measure the angular speed / rate, and calculate the derivative in time of this value?
2021-01-04 1:51 AM
I known this way to get the angular acceleration value by two accelerometers or one gyroscope,but worry to that this data precision is not good to construction health monitoring application. I want to get 0.1rad/s2 precision and 0.001 rad/s2 resolution with DC~200Hz bandwidth. do you have any suggestions of accelerometer? But gyroscope is not the better one with acculated errors by time.
2021-01-15 1:04 AM
Hi @Szhan.2 ,
that's a good question... but please note that, since the gyroscope calculates the angular speed of a rotating object (dps=degree per second or rad per second), to get the angular acceleration you just have to derive this value, and you will not have accumulated errors as the one you may face as a consequence of an integration procedure (from acceleration to speed or from speed to displacement).
One way to calculate angular acceleration from angular velocity could be, knowing the device ODR (and being T=1/ODR the time distance between two consecutive data):
Let me please know if it can be of some help.