2017-06-19 11:00 AM
We're using the LIS2HH12 accelerometer and there's a temperature sensor listed in the datasheet accessible via the temp_L and temp_H registers (16 bits).
However the numbers I get don't make any sense.
The datasheet mentions 'Temperature sensor output change vs. temperature' of 8 digit/�C
11-bit resolution, -40 to 80C range and that the it uses two's complement, but I can't find a way to make the readings return any meaningful value.
What do these
temp_L and temp_H numbers really mean? Thank you.
#lis2hh12 #temperature-sensorSolved! Go to Solution.
2018-03-06 1:29 PM
But what about TEMP_OFFSET? I receive almost the same value, my 11 bits data is ~2025. So if i will count like you, I'll receive −2,875. But my measument was in room conditions. So, must I add 25 centigrades to get 22,125, what looks more real?
And if yes, how do you know about 25 offset? Nowhere is it written.
2018-03-07 6:38 AM
The temperature sensor can be used to measure temperature variations.
It isn't suitable to return absolute temperatures measures. The value represents difference respect to a reference not specified value.The offset can be ~ 25°C but it is not guaranteed, the deviation can be big.
To get exact value you have to calibrate each device.
2019-03-14 6:28 AM
Do you have an idea of what the tolerance is on the reference? Are we talking 25C +-2C or +-1C or +-0.5C ???? Do we have a typical? Is there a relationship to the temp sensor in this device and the temp sensor in LM135 or LM235 or LM335A with their uncalibrated specs?