2017-02-15 7:29 AM
I have an EVALSTPM34 board.
I am trying to access the board via the UART using the 'STPM3x Evaluation Software' v3.1.0.0
J7 has 3.3v supply attached.
J2 has TTL-232R-3V3 cable attached.
PC recognizes the TTL-232R-3V3 as COM5.
J3 jumper is removed.
SW1 has all SWs in ON position.
I start up the STPM3x Evaluation Software.
Options > Interface = USRT, COM5, 9600
I press 'Open' and get success.
Options > Configuration > Application tab = EVAL-STPM34
I press 'Apply' and get a pop-up dialog box that says:
Read buffer lenght insufficient. < Yes, 'length' is mis-spelled.
The operation has timed out.
Has anyone had a similar experience?
Is there a newer version of the 'STPM3x Evaluation Software' ?
Rob Parsons
Schneider Electric
Knightdale NC USA
2017-02-17 5:25 AM
J7 and J2 on the EVALSTPM34 board must both have 3.3v supply attached when using the UART.
2017-03-18 2:35 AM
I tried to connect the EVAL-STPM32 board to the STPM3x Evaluation Software but encountered the following error when trying to read data.
Error message: 'Read buffer length insufficient. The operation has timed out.'
PC was running Windows 7
STPM3x Evaluation Software v3.1.0.0
In the 'Options -> Interface' menu, the following values were used: UART / COM 5 / 9600 (baud rate)
The board was connected to the PC through a USB to UART Bridge (Silicon Labs CP210x).
J2 connected to the USB-to-UART bridge
J7 connected to an external DC supply of 3.3VJ2 connected to a different 3.3V source
J3 jumper was removed SWC1 DIP switch was all in on position J4 jumper was in 'enable' positionI really appreciate your help.
2018-02-15 10:42 AM
Hello! Was there any success in solving this issue? I have the same problem! Please help! Thank you
2018-05-25 2:27 AM
HI , can u say what changes u did
2019-01-14 8:40 AM
I faced the same problem. If you are using RS232, be sure that the Tx (of the board) is connected to Rx (of the cable), and Rx (of the board) is connected to Tx (of the cable). That was a solution for me :)
2024-09-24 1:12 AM
Hi, do you have an alternative for when using SPI protocol communication?