2020-03-07 9:41 AM
On initial power up of the sensor box then running the sensor app there is a notice for updated firmware. The app then guides the user through the steps of selecting the update and uploading/installing that update, sensortile.box_v332.bin. The progress indicator show the file being uploaded but ends with 'Upload Error: Error sending the data'. The bluetooth LED flashes while the upload is taking place. The procedure is also described in the STSW-MKSBOX1-bl.pdf but I'm unable to get a good updated upload.
added: Also, can't get the thing to do anything even with the original firmware.
Any suggestions?
2023-02-14 12:57 PM
Thanks, Niccolo. I'll pass this on to SGold.6
2023-02-17 8:48 AM
Hi all. OK, I downloaded and installed V349, using the"SensorTile.Box recover and firmware upgrade. A safe procedure" Everything worked by following the steps, and using STM32Cube Programmer, I could flash the new firmware <SensorTile.box_BL_V3p4p9b.bin>. And it worked (!)...sort of. Upon disconnecting from USB, reconnecting battery and USB cable, the device was instantly seen. But there were no example apps. ?? I could however run an app I had created, and stream a plot of realtime accelerometer data to the phone, which was great (!)...but when when I left the stream and went back to the STBLE Sensor app, to create another app, the Bluetooth connection broke, and the board was no longer recognized. I went through this process a couple of times with the same result, an unrecognized, non-working board, I hear there's a firmware 3.4.10 on the way, Do you know if the next step is installing <en.FP-SNS-STBOX1_firmware>, which extracts as file folder <STM32CubeFunctionPack_STBOX1_V1.4.0>, to regain the example apps and fix the Bluetooth drop? This gizmo is so exactly what I need for a current project, I got to get it working!! Thx, Steve
2023-02-17 10:17 PM
Hello Niccolo...I'm hoping you can help me and the SensorTile product. I just updated the firmware to V3.4.10, and this appears to have handled the Bluetooth connectivity issue, But the device is still not working correctly. First, there's still no list of pre-recorded examples, and "ENTRY" level is missing. And secondly, in expert mode, I can create an app, and upload to the board - all responses are that this has been successful - but then when I click on PLAY, the program loops back around to uploading the app, and nothing runs. The only way I've been able to run my app is to reflash the firmware using STM32Cube Programmer, and then the app runs but only once; if I exit the app and then return, it goes into the upload loop again.
Do I need to install the FP-SNS-STBOX1 function pack? I'd need step-by-step instructions, as this is not my expertise. Thanks, Steve
2023-02-17 10:31 PM
Hi Tony. Progress to report - firmware is now at 3.4.10, and the Bluetooth connection so far has been stable and continuous. But I still have no entry level, and an expert level app I created only runs once, right after reflashing the firmware, then goes into an upload loop. I sent a note to Niccolo about that. Now it seems I'm up to the function pack, but how exactly to upload the apps and binaries is beyond my current knowledge. Because of all the attempts though, I'm getting familiar with the STM32Cube Programmer (!), and just need a little guidance, if you can help. It was really exciting to see the realtime accelerometer plot, so now I want it all to work...! Thx, Steve
2023-02-18 7:37 AM
Steve, I'm at a loss to figure out what's going on with your sensortile.box. The firmware is just that with the default programming. The phone app has the different demos that can be configured and uploaded one demo at a time. The function pack has some ready made .bin files to run the demos from there but I think some are without the bootloader, which is included in the function pack but needs to be handled separately. Need to read almost all of the function pack help files. Here is a link to the sensortile.box workshop. It still works for me, give it a try. You may need to be logged into community.st.com for this to work. If it doesnt' work post that here and maybe one of the ST guys can make it work.