2019-05-02 5:16 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm realizing my application that trigger an interrupt when a movement is detected, with a LIS3DSH sensor.
The states machines do the check correctly and give me an interrupt in right way, and I saw that when the states machines restart the interrupt remains asserted (the interrupt is set as active High).
I'm using the LIS3DSH on an STEVAL_MKI109V3 with the STM unico IDE.
Now I want to know if there is a way to put LOW the interrupt pin each time states machines restart.
If yes How I can realize it?
Thanks a lot for the help
2019-05-03 6:14 AM
Hi, let me check if I correctly understood your point: you don't want to assert an active low interrupt after the FSM restarts (in this case, you just need to put IEA bit =0 inside register CTRL_REG3 (23h)) just after the FSM ends), but you want to "clear" the interrupt forcing it low after the FSM restarts, right? In this case, you could disable the interrupt by writing the INT1_EN to 0 and let it be driven low by application processor. Regards