2019-05-09 5:10 AM
I am using this Accelerometer and in the datasheet it is mentioned that the Bit 4(LPC) in CTRL_REG1 should set for the Proper operation of the Device,but when i set that device the Sensor ,i am not getting any values in that,
i want to know ,is it really need to be setted for the proper operation of the device
2019-05-09 8:55 AM
Hi, did you check if the sensor is responding e.g. reading the WHO_AM_I (0Fh) register? You should read 33h. Please consider that to activate the data out you have to set also the ODR[3:0] bits in CTRL_REG1 (20h) reg (e.g. 58h), because the default value is 0 and means power down mode. Regards