2018-06-29 10:58 AM
am seeing some odd behavior when using the LSM6DSL sensor.I have configured it to use the FIFO in continuous mode, enabled storing of gyro and accelerometer data, and enabled wakeups and the wakeup interrupt.The interrupts are working properly when a wakeup event has been detected, and I am able to pull samples out of the FIFO. However, the pattern registers(FIFO_STATUS3) do not seem to update once the overrun bit has been set. I am always seeing the same value for every pattern value that I read.
Do the FIFO_STATUS3 registers stop updating once the FIFO has overrun? Or is there a setup step that I may be missing?
#fifo-buffer #lsm6dsl2018-07-26 11:56 PM
Yes, the FIFO_STATUS3/4 registers (FIFO pattern) stop updating once the FIFO overrun.