2020-04-19 10:16 PM
Hi together,
I am new to the topic mems and got some difficulties in evaluation by reading datasheets.
Many datasheets include Allan Variance plots, bias instability, misaligment and etc..
I couldn´t find those parameters in documents of LSM6DSOX.
I want to callculate velocity and position by using accelerometer and gyroscope.
I thought random walk (which is mentioned in the datahseet as "Rate noise density" I guess ) and bias instability are one of the most influental parameters in relation getting a "more" accurate velocity and position.
Which are the parameters I have to consider for achieving accuracy in velocity and position as good as possible?
Thanks in advance!!
2020-04-22 6:22 AM
Hi @amuel.1 , the datasheet parameters are the (typically) tested ones at production level. The AVAR plot (and related parameters), and the misalignment-related specs are tested at bench / lab level. I could share you typical characterization data for the AVAR parameters, and a typical plot for the 6 axis.
where ARW = angle random walk, BI = bias instability, RRW = rate random walk.
Here below the AVAR plots for the DSOX device (1st picture for accelerometer, 2ndpicture for the gyro part):
2020-05-02 12:40 PM
Thanks a lot for your help!!