2018-06-17 12:30 PM
are there any settings or lenses for the LV53L0X to help it cope with high ambiant light?
#lv53l0x #outside2018-06-20 4:10 AM
Hi Kristoffer,
I'm not aware of any settings, but there are plenty of lenses available which will exclude light in the normal spectrum and allow a passband of light that will include the 940nm wavelength required. Check '940nm ir bandpass filter' as a search on Alibaba. I have the problem now (using VL53L1X) of finding a supplier that will make a custom moulded version! If anyone reading this knows of a supplier? The company that manufactures the oval lens supplied with the VL53L1X Nucleo breakout board kit would be brilliant to talk to!
2018-06-21 12:49 PM
Thanks for the response i have orderet a VL53L1X Kit to see if i get more range from it. what kind of range do you get in high ambient light, outsite with the L1X?
2018-06-21 1:05 PM
I was under the impression that the recever part of the L0X was fitted withe an IR filter?