2020-10-31 1:01 AM
Hi, I am trying to model LSM9DS1 for my AHRS Application. For creating the model, I have checked the datasheet but I couldn't find anything related to Noise characteristics. Actually, I have used many MEMS sensors but It can be the worst datasheet I have ever seen.
Can you share with me LSM9DS1 Noise characteristics? I mean Noise Power Spectral Density, Total RMS Noise, or anything related to noise characteristics.
2020-11-02 6:32 AM
Hi @KDoga.1 ,
the LSM9DS1 noise characteristics are not reported in the datasheet because it is not tested at production tester level, and there a lot of "noise" configuration (accelerometer only noise, gyroscope only noise, magnetometer only noise, and all the related combinations such as acc+gyro noise, etc...).
Well, the zero rate levels and zero g levels shown in the datasheet (sensor output values in the absence of a signal), can be found in the datasheet, p.12.
2020-11-02 7:09 AM
Excuse me? How you don't test your product? Are you serious?
I was considering to use your product in our industrial application but If It's not a reliable product, I will not buy it anymore.
2020-11-02 7:16 AM
I'm afraid you misunderstood my answer. We do not test all the above mentioned noise configuration, but we of course test the ZGL, the ZRL and the magnetic zero field, which of course give an USL and a LSL for the device noise.
I however suggest you to switch to more recent product for a new industrial application, such as LSM6DSO series, or better ISM330DHCX if you are starting from a new design. For these product a full set of tests is performed at production level. LSM9DS1 is quite an old device and it is not industrial level graded.
There is also much more literature an available libraries in the ST repositories for more recent products.
2020-11-02 7:20 AM
Sorry for misunderstanding...
I will consider your suggestions but for now, I need sensor noise characteristics for my EKF alghoritm. I am considering to get sample datas for an hour and will use for Allan-Variance analysis.
If you have Allan-Variance analysis code or results, can you share with me?
2020-11-03 4:43 AM
Hi @KDoga.1 ,
No problem.
I can share you the average values for the Bias Instability (BI) and for the angular or velocity random walks (ARW/VRW), for a device similar to the LSM9DS1, that should be quite representative of a standard lot population.