2020-11-02 1:52 AM
most of X-CUBE-MEMS1 lib said :"This library is intended to work with ST MEMS only."
It is true? i'm use LSM9DS1 that not supported by X-CUBE_MEMS1.
So, Can i Use X-CUBE_mems lib for this sensor(or even not ST sensor?)
Thank you!
2020-11-02 10:28 PM
2020-11-03 3:51 AM
Hi @MMa.1893 ,
please note first of all that the X-CUBE-MEMS1 libraries are designed to be compliant with ST sensors, meaning that the all the device register configurations, the I2C/SPI communication and the combination of sensors in the applications are designed on ST sensors.
You might intend to use the same algorithms for other than ST sensors, but please note that the algorithm source codes are not open and you should contact an STMicroelectronics sales office representatives for further information, since the release of STM proprietary libraries is subject to signature of a License User Agreement (LUA).
With specific regards to the LSM9DS1 device, I agree with you that there are no examples for this specific sensor in the X-CUBE-MEMS1 libraries.
But you could include in a CubeMX project or in an already existing application code the C drivers you can find on Github repository, at this link.