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LSM6DSO not reading 1G at rest

Associate II

I  am writing my own library in C++ to operate the LSM6DSO and when the sensor is at rest it reads 0.5 G on the z-axis, I've tried the code with 2 ICs, one in an Adafruit breakout board, and another one in an old PCB that had the sensor soldered one and both got the same error, so I believe that the issue might be in the code, but I can't identify where is the problem. Btw, I am using the dev kit NUH7AZIQ$ATZ3A140012 (STM32H7A3ZIT6Q). Also, when i turn the sensor 90 deg the 0.5g moves to the other axis, and regardless of the range scale I choose, the readings adjust themselves so that it still gives the 0.5 G after applying the conversion factor .

The first line shows the reading from the CTRL1_XL register and breaks it down into the configurations in that register (which in this picture is set up to +-2G range and sampling of Hz)
the second lines show the reading from the OUTZ_L_A (2Ch) and OUTZ_H_A (2Dh) registers, then it combines that into the raw data and multiply by the sensitivity factor suggested in the data sheet for each range ( in this case 0.0061) 


Small programs that plots the lsm6dso outputs, as I turned the imu, the 0.5 g readings moved to the other axis


Here is the part of the code, in this section I its not exactly the library i am writing but it has follows the same procedures and gets the same numbers.

Federica Bossi
ST Employee

Hi @Diogo_Goto ,

Is it possible you are using a wrong sensitivity for your FS? Can you check it?


In addition, can you try to implement our official drivers and let me know if you still have the problem? 


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Hello Federica Bossi,

Thanks for the reply.

@Federica Bossi wrote:

Is it possible you are using a wrong sensitivity for your FS? Can you check it?

If you look at the first picture on the original post i am reading the data directly from the registers. I am reading CTRL1_XL, which contains the FS. On that picture is set to 0x0 so the conversion factor is 0.061 and if you multiply that number  by the value read by the 2 registers for the z axis you still get 0.5G. I also tried different FS ranges, the number changes but after multiplying everything I still get the 0.5 G.

In addition, can you try to implement our official drivers and let me know if you still have the problem? 

Yeah, I tried that as well the code is below, i think the setup is correct, at least i got no error in initialization and it was still reading 0.5 G.





A quick look at the screenshot of your C code seems to point to a data conversion problem: you read two uint8 and then make up a uint16 value out of it. But the accelerometer output is a SIGNED int16.

Have a look at how lsm6dso_acceleration_raw_get() is implemented in the official C driver on GitHub: 

lsm6dso-pid/lsm6dso_reg.c at 7cd1aae6017ca386b09f1814994e085bf6519344 · STMicroelectronics/lsm6dso-pid · GitHub

int32_t lsm6dso_acceleration_raw_get(const stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, int16_t *val)
uint8_t buff[6];
int32_t ret;

ret = lsm6dso_read_reg(ctx, LSM6DSO_OUTX_L_A, buff, 6);
val[0] = (int16_t)buff[1];
val[0] = (val[0] * 256) + (int16_t)buff[0];
val[1] = (int16_t)buff[3];
val[1] = (val[1] * 256) + (int16_t)buff[2];
val[2] = (int16_t)buff[5];
val[2] = (val[2] * 256) + (int16_t)buff[4];

return ret;

One could also use a C union to make the conversion faster but the code would be less portable as one would have to take into account the endianness of the memory representation (big-endian or little-endian)


Hello Andrea VITALI,
I fixed the issue with the data types, but I am still getting the 0.5G. 



I even tried other FS but no luck.

Even using the official driver i still get the 0.5G reading, the picture for the code is in the reply above



Ok now that we are sure readout and conversion of int16 values is correct, let's make sure that your code really sets the full scale to 16g.

Before reading the output registers, read also register 0x10 (CTRL1_XL) and check the full scale settings, bits 2 and 3, for 16g you should read xxxx11yz, where xxxx are the ODR selection, yz are related to other functions, 11 indicates 16g full scale selection (0.488 mg/LSB sensitivity). Print the hex value of CTRL1_XL and let's check the full-scale selection is correct. If it is not, then there is something else to fix somewhere else in your drivers/code.

I am assuming you are not subtracting any user offset (USR_OFF_W) right?



On the first line I am reading the CTRL_1_XL register. So the FS is set 0x1 which matches with the 16gs scale 


@Andrea VITALI wrote:

I am assuming you are not subtracting any user offset (USR_OFF_W) right?

yeah, I am not using USR_OFF_W its on the default value 


That is unexpected. Can you take a full register dump of the device? A snapshot of all registers after configuration and just before the moment you would start polling the output registers.

Sorry for the delay, it has been kinda of busy week for me.
Here is the register dump

ADDR: 0x01 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x02 -> value: 0x3f
ADDR: 0x03 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x04 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x05 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x06 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x07 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x08 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x09 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x0a -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x0b -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x0c -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x0d -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x0e -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x0f -> value: 0x6c
ADDR: 0x10 -> value: 0x44
ADDR: 0x11 -> value: 0x47
ADDR: 0x12 -> value: 0x04
ADDR: 0x13 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x14 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x15 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x16 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x17 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x18 -> value: 0xe0
ADDR: 0x19 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x1a -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x1b -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x1c -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x1d -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x1e -> value: 0x07
ADDR: 0x1f -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x20 -> value: 0x20
ADDR: 0x21 -> value: 0xfd
ADDR: 0x22 -> value: 0xd4
ADDR: 0x23 -> value: 0xff
ADDR: 0x24 -> value: 0x29
ADDR: 0x25 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x26 -> value: 0x22
ADDR: 0x27 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x28 -> value: 0x05
ADDR: 0x29 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x2a -> value: 0xf5
ADDR: 0x2b -> value: 0xff
ADDR: 0x2c -> value: 0x0a
ADDR: 0x2d -> value: 0x04
ADDR: 0x2e -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x2f -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x30 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x31 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x32 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x33 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x34 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x35 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x36 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x37 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x38 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x39 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x3a -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x3b -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x3c -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x3d -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x3e -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x3f -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x40 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x41 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x42 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x43 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x44 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x45 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x46 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x47 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x48 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x49 -> value: 0x04
ADDR: 0x4a -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x4b -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x4c -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x4d -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x4e -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x4f -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x50 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x51 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x52 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x53 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x54 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x55 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x56 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x57 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x58 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x59 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x5a -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x5b -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x5c -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x5d -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x5e -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x5f -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x60 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x61 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x62 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x63 -> value: 0xdf
ADDR: 0x64 -> value: 0x1c
ADDR: 0x65 -> value: 0xfd
ADDR: 0x66 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x67 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x68 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x69 -> value: 0x22
ADDR: 0x6a -> value: 0x1c
ADDR: 0x6b -> value: 0x18
ADDR: 0x6c -> value: 0x40
ADDR: 0x6d -> value: 0x06
ADDR: 0x6e -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x6f -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x70 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x71 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x72 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x73 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x74 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x75 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x76 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x77 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x78 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x79 -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x7a -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x7b -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x7c -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x7d -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x7e -> value: 0x00
ADDR: 0x7f -> value: 0xd0

The only issue I see is in register 0x11 CTRL2_G which has value 0x47 = 0b0100_0111, the least significant bit is 1 while it should be 0 - can you correct this by setting the gyro full-scale in the correct way and see if this fixes the abnormal behavior?