2019-06-24 04:39 AM
There is any workaround for doing this with a LSM6DSL? I understand the available interruptions like WAKE_UP, significant movement,4D, 6D..... are designed for other kind of uses, mainly smartphones and wearables.
But I need an interruption old-style like cheap models when X,Y,Z changes more than a number of mg. Is there any workaround or technique for this?
I need the interruption to save power on MCU by not waking up until a movement of the device is found.
The only hope I have right now for doing this, just filling the never ending FIFO and waking-up MCU for processing data outside the LSM6DSL.
Thanks a lot, best regards,
2019-06-24 08:42 AM
Hi David, if your needing is to get an interrupt to save power on MCU by not waking up until a movement of the device is found, I suggest you to use the activity/inactivity recognition feature, described in par 5.6 of the app note. The effect is that when a certain number of consecutive X,Y,Z filtered data is smaller than the configured threshold, the ODR_XL [3:0] bits of the CTRL1_XL register are bypassed (Inactivity) and the accelerometer is internally set to 12.5 Hz. Your device wakes up when a certain movement is detected, and then return to sleep. Regards