2017-07-21 7:06 AM
The DRDY flag in the STATUS_A register does not seem to work. I am running the acellerometer at ODR = 100Hz, FIFO bypass mode, HR mode. Every time the STATUS_A register is read it outputs the value 65, the DRDY is the least significant bit and it is always set. It looks like the flag is never reset.
If I syncronize the magnetometer with the acellerometer running both at 100Hz and reading the acellerometer data after the magnetometer data (after DRDY pin set from magnetometer) it looks like I get reasonable acelleration data (new data each time).
Is there any trick to make the DRDY bit and STATUS_A register work as it should? On the LSM303AGR I did not get high resolution data when using the fifo. I guess there is another snag here on the LSM303AH where I probably have to use the fifo or do something else, I cannot see any detalis about this in the data sheet/manual.
2017-09-05 3:59 AM
Please verify that you read the data from output registers fast enough, sooner than new data occur. DRDY flag should be cleared right after reading the data. You can also map the DRDY to INTx_DRDY interrupt pin and watch it using scope or counter in either latched or pulse mode. See sections 8.6, 8.7 and 8.41 in