2016-07-19 12:00 PM
I had already multiple times the problem that the accelerometer sensor is not providing data anymore. It is connected via SPI, commands like the who_am_i works, however the XYZ data is all zero or just some frozen values. Sometimes only one or two axis, mostly all three.
Re-initializing everything does not fix it, only a power disconnect fixes it.
How can I do a complete reset, which commands?
#lsm303agr2016-07-22 2:10 AM
Definitely it is not a standard behavior.
You can try to reload accelerometer memory content writing 1 to bit BOOT in CTRL_REG5_A (24h) register and writing 1 to SOFT_RST bit in CFG_REG_A_M (60h) register.Best regardsMiroslav2016-07-26 5:20 AM
The problem has been resolved, my interrupt response took way to long, this killed the sensor. Now I am servicing the interrupt by reading the data on time and the sensor does not get stuck. It works how me.
However I feel that the sensor can gets forever stuck is not good.
Thank you.2016-07-29 6:36 AM
I figured out that the CTRL_REG5_A BOOT command brings it alive again. Thank you.
2016-09-26 12:57 PM
Is there a similar sequence for LIS3DH ? (Register 60h is not defined for the LIS3DH)
Thanks2016-09-27 4:15 AM
You can try to reboot accelerometer memory content writing 1 to bit BOOT (MSB bit) in register CTRL_REG5_A (24h). See page 32 of the datasheet.
Register 60h is related to magnetometer part of LSM303AGR, so it is not present in LIS3DH.Best regards