2020-02-26 2:31 AM
We have tested our custom LSM303AGR board with MC and EC Libraries that ST provides. We see that our degree calculations accuracy is within +/- 4 degree. That is, we have degree which has deviation of 4 degree when it is stationary. We see that we need some calibration to improve its perfomance. How can we do that? I see your UNICLUEO program which is mentioned in UM2192. Do we have to use that program with our custom board for calibration? We have no issue with power consumption. We just need to achieve maximum measurement performance. For this, do you recommend any specific register configuration?
Best regards.
2020-02-26 5:43 AM
hi @AAYKA.1 , Unicleo is only a GUI for the MotionMC and EC data display. Please note that these libraries are optimized for the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 environment (and you are using the an mcu from STM32G4 family, right?) I believe you can ask support to for compiling the X-CUBE-MEMS1 libraries for your MCU to an STMicroelectronics sales office and representatives at this link: this way you'll be able to run the two algorithms on your hardware platform with the correct precision. Regards
2020-03-04 4:27 AM
Hi Eleon,
As you stated one week ago I have contacted local sales office in our area. But I couldn't get any response. Also I sent a mail to AMS-support-EMEA@st.com and still no response. Is there a way to get support for ST's products?
Best regards,