2016-07-16 12:04 PM
I try to get the pressure data in One shot mode. I read the state of Reg Who am I (0Fh)=B1h Ctrl_Reg1 (10h)=00h, Ctrl_Reg2 (11h) =10h, then I write to Ctrl_Reg2< 11h, to provide One Shot Mode, Now continuous reading of this Ctrl_Reg2(11h) = 11h (no reset bit OneShot after conversion) Reading of Status (27h) =00h Pressure Data (Regs 2Ah:29h:28h) = 2F6666h I may only write default value to Ctrl_Reg2 < 10h Now reading of Ctrl_Reg2=10h, but no changes in Status and Pressure data. The document 'AN4672 Application note LPS22HB/LPS25HB digital pressure sensors: hardware guidelines for system integration', pages 19,20, proposes special procedure for one shot mode, using some CTE bit in Config Reg (43h), but this register is not described in LPS22HB datasheet and it is not clear, what is the number of CTE bit. The result of reading this Reg 43h = 20h #lps22hb2016-07-18 01:35 AM
2016-07-18 02:41 AM
Hi, Antonella,
thank You for answer. on PowerOn reg43h=20h reg10h=0 reg11h=10h reg27h=02h (temperature data ready) if I read the temperature: reg2Bh : 2Ch = 0000h, and now reg27h=0 I try to write reg43h=20h write reg11h=11h then polling reg27h - it equals 0 read reg11h=11h I also try to write reg43h=0 write reg43h=20h write reg11h=11h then polling reg27h - it equals 0 polling reg11h - it equals 11h All this I send and read with intervals in a few seconds, using monitor application, where I manually write the regs' nums and their states. May be, CTE bit in reg43h is not the 5th one (bbCTEb bbbb) ? AN4672 doesn't concider the position of this bit in reg43h, and I can't find the reg43h bits' description. The state reg43h=20h I get only by reading reg43h. And in Datasheet this reg isn't mentioned. Best regards, Vadim P.S. I tried to write to reg43h < 1,2,4,8,10h,20h,40h,80h, then write to reg11h<11h. No changes in reaction. Also I wrote to shift regs RPDS_L : RPDS _H then read reg28:29:2A - their states are shifted for entered to RPDS value. So, LPS22HB reacts for SPI transactions, but doesn't accomplish measurement.2016-07-26 03:45 AM
Hi Vadim,
just like you, I don't understand the bit CTE because itis not described in LPS22HB datasheet. Do you understand now? Have you solved your problem?
I have used one shot mode, and I didn't need to set CTE bit but it worked!!