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LIS3D :the calculation---Puzzling problem in AN3308.

dehai wo
Associate II
Posted on October 22, 2017 at 05:12

       I have found a puzzling problem while I reading the document AN3308,On page 17,table 9.In my opinion, 1g come from the formula : a = (0x4000 -> 0x400 = 1024)*2000mg/2048.So get the correct value : 1g , In the same way, 350mg should come from: a = (Ox15e0 -> 0x15e = 350)*2000mg/2048 , but the calculation is 341.8,not equal to 350.

       Another problem is that I have received 12bit data(so as: OxFFF0...) from LIS3DH while I config it working in normal mode (10 bit)

      Anyone can help me explain it ?  thanks !
Posted on November 23, 2017 at 09:21

Please follow the self-test procedure as described in

 in chapter 12.

I see following problems in your code:

- You are not discarding first samples

- It seems you are not checking data ready status, so you may read the same sample several times

- You should wait at least 90ms after enabling the self-test

Difference between self-test 0 and 1 is in sign of the change during self-test.

Posted on November 23, 2017 at 15:48

Thanks a lot ! I now met a new problem , I use high pass filter on X,Y,Z axis , but  it work well only  on X,Y axis  .It does not work  on Z axis  . The initializtion code listed below : 

status_t LIS3DH_Init_base(void)



LIS3DH_WriteReg(LIS3DH_CTRL_REG2, 0x08); //09

/* enable the accelerometer */

LIS3DH_SetODR(LIS3DH_ODR_100Hz); //10ms

/* set low power mode and 8 bit resolution, start the measruements */


/* full scale = 2g */


/* Enable block data update, so unread previous data will just be dismissed */ // !!!

/* enable all axes */


LIS3DH_ReadReg(LIS3DH_REFERENCE_REG, &temp_data);



the data listed below:

--- without HPF:


-40, -28, 1080:

-32, -28, 1044:

-40, -24, 1076:

-36, -16, 1004:

-32, -28, 1040:

-36, -28, 1068:

-28, -32, 1052:

-40, -28, 1028:

-48, -24, 988:

-36, -32, 1056:

--- HPF :nomal HPCF[2:1]=00


-4, -4, 1064:

-8, 4, 1068:

4, 4, 1116:

-16, -4, 1056:

4, -4, 1032:

-4, -12, 1088:

12, 8, 1088:

16, 4, 1064:

4, -4, 1116:

-4, 4, 1108:
Posted on November 23, 2017 at 17:18

Maybe you are resetting the high pass filter to quickly after enabling the X, Y, Z axis. I would try to add some delay between these two functions.

Another solution could be to use HPM[1:0] = 10.

Posted on November 24, 2017 at 03:48

according to the self test procedure in AN3308,  the difference between  OUT_NOST and  OUT_ST is very big . It can't pass self test  even 1 time while testing 10 times.

code and the testing value  listed below :

uint8_t ACC_selftest(void)


uint8_t i,acc_status;

int16_t Gx_no_st,Gy_no_st,Gz_no_st,Gx_st,Gy_st,Gz_st,ST_x,ST_y,ST_z;

AxesRaw_t acc_data[32];

//---InitializeSensor,turn on sensor,enableX/Y/Zaxes.?SetBDU=1,FS=2G, NormalMode,ODR=50Hz

if (!(LIS3DH_WriteReg(0x21, 0x00)))

return MEMS_ERROR;

if (!(LIS3DH_WriteReg(0x22, 0x00)))

return MEMS_ERROR;

if (!(LIS3DH_WriteReg(0x23, 0x80))) //A0

return MEMS_ERROR;

if (!(LIS3DH_WriteReg(0x20, 0x47))) //6F

return MEMS_ERROR;

Delay(0x4000); //100ms

i =0;

do {


}while (!(acc_status & 0x08 ));


// read the gyroscope data 5 times in self-test0 mode

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)


do {


}while (!(acc_status & 0x08 ));



// average the raw data

Gx_no_st = (acc_data[0].AXIS_X + acc_data[1].AXIS_X + acc_data[2].AXIS_X + acc_data[3].AXIS_X + acc_data[4].AXIS_X) / 5;

Gy_no_st = (acc_data[0].AXIS_Y + acc_data[1].AXIS_Y + acc_data[2].AXIS_Y + acc_data[3].AXIS_Y + acc_data[4].AXIS_Y) / 5;

Gz_no_st = (acc_data[0].AXIS_Z + acc_data[1].AXIS_Z + acc_data[2].AXIS_Z + acc_data[3].AXIS_Z + acc_data[4].AXIS_Z) / 5;

LIS3DH_WriteReg(LIS3DH_CTRL_REG4, 0x82);

Delay(0x8000); //100ms

i =0;

do {


}while (!(acc_status & 0x08 ));


// read the gyroscope data 5 times in self-test0 mode

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)


do {


}while(!(acc_status & 0x08 ));



// average the raw data

Gx_st = (acc_data[0].AXIS_X + acc_data[1].AXIS_X + acc_data[2].AXIS_X + acc_data[3].AXIS_X + acc_data[4].AXIS_X) / 5;

Gy_st = (acc_data[0].AXIS_Y + acc_data[1].AXIS_Y + acc_data[2].AXIS_Y + acc_data[3].AXIS_Y + acc_data[4].AXIS_Y) / 5;

Gz_st = (acc_data[0].AXIS_Z + acc_data[1].AXIS_Z + acc_data[2].AXIS_Z + acc_data[3].AXIS_Z + acc_data[4].AXIS_Z) / 5;

// calculate the absolute self-test values of with self-test minus without self-test

ST_x = abs(Gx_st - Gx_no_st);

ST_y = abs(Gy_st - Gy_no_st);

ST_z = abs(Gz_st - Gz_no_st);


if ((ST_x <= 360) && (ST_y <= 360) && (ST_z <= 360) && (ST_x >= 17) && (ST_y >= 17) && (ST_z >= 17)){ // 60mg,17,360 need be chaeck !!!!!

//The gyroscope passes;




//The gyroscope fails;

return MEMS_ERROR;


Posted on December 21, 2017 at 14:02

Dear sir, now I want achieve tilt remedy function. I did as the following:

1,tilt the sensor with a constant angle.

2, In initialization function:

set ODR,set mode nomal ,set full scale(+/-2g),enable x,y,z axis,

set LIS3DH_CTRL_REG2=0x48 ( HPM[1:0]=[01],Reference signal for filtering),set REFERENCE =0;

set THR = 2。enable X and Y interrupt . enable IA1 to INT1 .

3, In tilt remedy function:

check IA interrupt flag;

if IA interrupt occured , set THR with THR+1.

loop up line until interrupt not occured.

set the REFERENCE regesiter with the value of current THR ,

resume the THR register with value 2.

by now , IA interrupt should not occured. because the the difference between the input acceleration and the content of

REFERENCE is 0. but actually the IA interrupt always occured. How to resolve it?
