2018-12-17 3:19 AM
I saw the VL53L1X used as a people counter video at:
Is the source code used in that video available?
2019-02-06 1:59 AM
Actually my doubt is when the sensor detects something , how we identify its a people or not. This sensor detects anything so how we distinguish them?
2019-02-06 2:00 AM
Actually my doubt is when the sensor detects something , how we identify its a people or not. This sensor detects anything so how we distinguish them?
2019-02-06 2:19 AM
OK, specially for you. Here is main.c for SimpleRanging example: https://yadi.sk/d/mumh9lZVj633vw
I do not guarantee that it will compile, because I have not tested it in practice. There may be inaccuracies.
And, actually, nor sensor nor program does not detect people. It detect left or right passing event of any object and no more. To detect people you need camera and recognition software.
BTW, how old are you?
2019-02-06 2:36 AM
Thanks for sharing. I'm a beginner in this field.
2019-02-07 12:49 AM
Thanks for sharing! This is very interesting!
I understand you made some changes to standard libraries.
Have you considered submitting a patch so it gets integrated in the library?
2019-02-07 3:35 AM
No, but "Both libraries are included in this bundle."
2019-02-10 9:04 PM
In that people counting video, they have shown that they have specified some person detection distance range. How this range can be obtained?
2019-02-10 10:28 PM
How they did it I do not know as their code is not available.
In my variant range defined as:
int tof_gestures_initDIRSWIPE_1(int32_t rangeThreshold_mm, long minSwipeDuration, long maxSwipeDuration, bool handMustCoverBoth, Gesture_DIRSWIPE_1_Data_t *data)
2019-04-08 4:08 PM
The source code is not available yet on www.st.com but will be made available in the coming weeks.
If you can't wait please email me : philippe.legeard@st.com
2019-04-09 12:00 AM
Basing on the current ST answer-speed, we could estimate appearing of the source code in the next few years.