User Activity

User manual said "It is the fastestminiature ToF sensor on the market with accurateranging up to 4 m and fast ranging frequency up to50 Hz"I could not reach such frequency with all possible tested configuration. The best result was 37 Hz with the val...
Hello, Is it possible to setup ROI to read SPAD array sequentially one by one or matrix of 4*4 SPADs. I.e to get a map of the measurings?
Hello, I have X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 kit and now I want to work with VL53L1X sensors using this kit. As I understand, the only differences between X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 and X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 are:1. Different top sensor component2. Absence of 4 digit display on X-NU...
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