2018-11-04 3:48 AM
Hi everyone,
For a project I need to know if i can access the data of only one SPAD and not the data of the entire array.
I need to detect with precision the position of some objects and I'm wondering if that is possible with the VL53L1X. My idea is (if it is possible) to use the data of each SPAD and after some computation to know where the object is.
2019-02-06 5:18 AM
Minimum accessible ROI consist at least of 4*4 individual SPADs.
But you can define 16 of such regions and read them individually.
I attach the example and video.
Video here:
Example here:
2019-04-10 1:19 PM
If you have a lot of time, you can pull the same trick to create a 13x13 grid array. Select the 4x4 Region-Of-Interest (ROI) in the upper left, take a range, and then move the 4x4 one SPAD to the right. 13 ranges later you can move down one SPAD and repeat the operation.
Unfortunately each range takes it's own range, so it's 169 * timing budget, so the operation has limited value. But it can be done.
You can also change the region WHILE the range is being done in Autonomous mode. The new range will take effect at the start of the next range. (But don't be late. The chip will use whatever is in the register at the beginning of the range.)