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I have been using vl53l1x TOF sensor for finding distance. When I have tested in an open environment. I'm getting very unusual values, I'm not able to understand this values.


0693W000004IF45QAG.pngCould someone explain me what's going on when this sensor is placed in front of uneven surface such as stairs in open area. i'm attaching images of readings X-axis is sample number and y-axis is distance in mm. Samples are taken for every 100msec. Reading are varying from 200 to 4000 mm. I want to know just where the object is. It is tested in ambient light.

ST Employee

In order to understand the distance measurement, you have to read the RangeStatus as well.

The RangeStatus will tell you if there is anything odd about your data.

You might find that the signal is completely swamped by the ambient light.

(remember that the only ambient light that counts is at 940nm. Sunlight and strong halogen lights are the only real sources of this.)

Try increasing your timing budget. 4x the timing budget = 2x the accuracy.

If you have the evaluation kit, use that, and turn on logging. Then go to the log tab, and look at the data. Instead of clicking on the log file, try right-clicking and hitting open. It will open the a spreadsheet.

You answer is sure to be in there.

  • john

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Thank you @John E KVAM​