2019-10-02 7:01 AM
The HTS221 can handle condensation, according to the data sheet.
According to that, I understand that water will not damage the sensor.
(I refer to the sensing area on top, to the contacts on the bottom.)
Is this correct?
2019-10-02 7:37 AM
Hi @GShim , it depends on the water resistance level you have in mind (the quantity of water and the immersion duration). The datasheet says that the sensor can recover form condensation using an internal heater (p.23), so you cannot get sensible data if you put the sensor in water. However, to reach a water-resistant grade you should take into consideration the guidelines described at p. 9 of AN4722. Here below the app note example shown. Regards
2019-10-02 7:54 AM
I am aware of this application note.
I am trying to simplify the mechanical design.
The risk is a splash of water.
The orientation of the sensor and the opening, will allow the water to drain out.
I don't expect to measure the humidity during this situation.
I just want to be sure there is no permanent damage to the device.
2019-10-02 8:18 AM
There should be no risk of damage for the sensor in case of temporary exposure to water. However, to restart the acquisition and get a reliable data, you should wait time and, in case, run the heater to get rid of the condensation. Regards
2019-10-02 8:53 AM
Thank you.