2020-03-09 9:09 PM
I get a STEVAL-STLKT01V1 development kit and I try to run ANN on the board. I have some questions about using it.
To program the board, an STM32 Nucleo board is essential?
If not. Now, I have embeded the pro-trained ANN in the MCU by connecting an external ST-LINK to the SWD connector on the cradle, but I can not validate the model on the board. So can you suggest me to validate successfully?
By the way, the pro-loaded software in the MCU has been rewritten. Sensors do not appare to work.How can I get the pro-loaded software?
Waiting for your advice!
Thank you very much for your time!
With best wishes
2020-03-16 8:30 AM
Hi @Kchen.1 ,
>> To program the board, an STM32 Nucleo board is essential?
If you need only to download a custom firmware, you can do it via USB in DFU mode, please check this link for a general set of instruction to put your device in DFU mode. For the debug mode, otherwise, a ST LINK V2 or V3 is mandatory, and STM32 Nucleo board is natively equipped with this JTAG debug interface.
Btw, what do you mean with "pro-loaded" software?
2020-03-16 10:28 PM
Thanks for your reply!
The handbook of STEVAL-STLKT01V1 SensorTile says there is a demo have pre-loaded in the SensorTile board. As screen capture below shows.
I downloaded the new code in the board, so that demo code has been erased. I'd like to get that demo and download it again.
Best wishes!