2022-05-12 7:31 AM
Hey all! I'm doing a client project where I'm integrating an LSM303AGR on a custom board.
I've included the XCUBE-MEMS package into STM32CubeIDE, and selected the LSM303AGR and set the I2C settings in the platform settings.
This gives me LSM303AGR.C/.H files in the BSP Components folder, and custom_mems_conf*... files in the X-CUBE-MEMS1/target folder.
I have however, absolutely no idea how to move forward from here, and what functions to call / what initialisation to run to actually use the firmware libraries. I've searched the entirety of github code for someone with using the libraries, have read the general BSP documentation, and have looked at vague examples related to what I'm doing, but am still at a loss how to continue.
Could anyone give me some pointers on how to continue? I can generate an example project of where I'm at if that would help.
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
2022-05-16 1:11 AM
I'm no expert but looking around it seems some other people have been working with the SSD1963 display:
Maybe some of those can be helpful?
2022-05-16 4:46 AM
Thanks Markus!
I am afraid I do not see how this is relevant - I'm having troubles with using the BSP libraries, not with any displays.
Hoping someone can help me out,
Kind regards,