2022-07-31 10:47 PM
I Am building an Inclinometer for tilt sensing with IIS2ICLX and want to evaluate this sensor, so can you Please suggest the Required Material for the same, Like Evaluation board, Mother board required, Software required.
*Edited by moderation, please keep the title of your question shorter than 70 characters*
2022-08-05 3:53 AM
Hi @DChou.2 ,
As starting point, I suggest you to start with the standard equipment:
For a more professional use, in the near future the STWIN.box will be available (you can check this presentation for more info).
2023-07-26 1:36 PM
Hi Eleon,
Assume that I am new to STM and I am not a very experienced electrical engineer, is there a more detailed procedure to teach how to evaluate the IIS2ICLX as a inclinometer.
I have checked STEVAL-MKI209V1K.pdf.
"The STEVAL-MKI209V1K evaluation board has an embedded IIS2ICLX inclinometer
sensor, which is connected through flat cable to a simple adapter board (STEVALMKIGIBV2)
to render it compatible with STEVAL-MKI109V3."
I guess I need to buy a STEVAL-MKI209V1K and a STEVAL-MKI209V1K, and connect them together and run a software need to be copied to Nucleo. I am a lazy guy and hope there is one document or one webpage that I can figure out how many boards I need to buy, and how many software I need to install and how to run it. may be it never as easy as I thought.
Thank you,