2020-03-03 10:38 AM
I want to update the firmware of the STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 to install the firmware I designed using AlgoBuilder. So I connect my STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 to the STLINK V3 using 14 pin flat vable, and the STLINK to my pc using USB. Then I open cubeprogrammer and Itry to connect using the option STLINK, but the error "No STM32 target found"
The firmaware of the STLINK is updated.
Do you know what can be happening?
2020-03-07 8:43 AM
Same thing here ....
2020-03-07 9:07 AM
I don't have an answer, but can anyone relay the part number for the 14pin flat cable?
2020-03-07 4:17 PM
Hello All,
If yo are using the STLINKV3 you will need a level shifter as well. This is because the sensortile box is expecting 1.8V level signals however the STLINKV3 outputs signals at a 3.3V level this may be one of the reasons for the error you are getting.
As of right now ST doesn't provide the level shifter part that is required for this setup. Therefore it is recommend to use the STLINKV2 debugger instead along with the 14 pin flat cable that get in the V3 set.
My sensortile box setup includes the following components:
Important: The connection(orientation) of the 14pin cable is very important. The cable should be attached as shown in the figure above i.e. the cable extends above the battery. If you connect the cable in the opposite direction i.e. facing away from the battery then you will get an error stating "STM target not found".
Hope this was helpful
2020-03-22 2:19 PM
Just an update and confirmation. The above method worked for me. CubeProgrammer in SWD mode and USB cable to the Tilebox is connected along with the adapter and cabling. In DFU update mode the memory erase failed but using the ST-Link v2 with the associated hardware and connection cables the memory erase and the new firmware download worked without issues. Firmware updated to v3.3.4.