2019-05-21 9:47 AM
I have a problem with this sensor configured for 2g scale and interrupt on INT1 for click detection.
If I set threshold register in a range 5 to 7 I receive a lot of interrupts as soon as the sensor is slightly inclined on X or Y axis.
Please see below I2C dump of registers configured.
NOTE: This question and answer originated from a customer support case which was handled by us. We regularly review support cases and add any helpful ones here for all to benefit from.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-05-21 9:48 AM
I see few problems in register setup of your sensor from the register dump you have provided to us.
The most important configuration I would recommend you is to enable HP filter to Click feature (CTRL_REG2 (21h) = 0x04) and BDU feature (CTRL_REG4 (23h) = 0x80) if you also would like to read out the output data. BDU is there to ensure data integrity - that you will read high and low part of the output registers of the same sample.
You can also add a latency value in TIME_LATENCY (3Ch) register, where you can define a certain time period where all next click interrupts will be masked after a click interrupt has been triggered.
For further information about click feature you can use AN5005 which is an application note for LIS2DH12. But both sensors have the same click interrupt generator so it is valid also for IIS2DH.
2019-05-21 9:48 AM
I see few problems in register setup of your sensor from the register dump you have provided to us.
The most important configuration I would recommend you is to enable HP filter to Click feature (CTRL_REG2 (21h) = 0x04) and BDU feature (CTRL_REG4 (23h) = 0x80) if you also would like to read out the output data. BDU is there to ensure data integrity - that you will read high and low part of the output registers of the same sample.
You can also add a latency value in TIME_LATENCY (3Ch) register, where you can define a certain time period where all next click interrupts will be masked after a click interrupt has been triggered.
For further information about click feature you can use AN5005 which is an application note for LIS2DH12. But both sensors have the same click interrupt generator so it is valid also for IIS2DH.