2020-07-10 05:38 AM
I got a doubt while i was studying IIS3DWB data sheet,
"Meta information about accelerometer and sensor configuration changes can be managed by enabling the ODR_CHG_EN bit in FIFO_CTRL2 (08h)". But , i have not found that bit in FIFO_CTRL2 register.
How can i edit meta data of accelerometer?
can you please clarify this doubt.
Thanks & Regards,
Jhansi Palepu
2020-07-13 07:09 AM
Hi @JPale , you have found a typo in the datasheet :) I believe this comes from other product datasheets such as the LSM6DSOX one, where in fact there is a ODRCHG_EN bit in FIFO_CTRL2 (08h) register that "enables ODR CHANGE virtual sensor to be batched in FIFO". I already notified your finding to our ST internal staff. Regards