2022-02-21 8:19 PM
From looking at the datasheet, by any objective measure, it appears the LPS22DF is substantially better.
The datasheet shows the quoted 0.34 Pascal noise w/ ODR/9 bandwidth (LPS22DF) versus 0.65 Pascals w/ ODR/20 bandwidth (LPS22HH). However, a more careful reading seems to show this only with averaging of 512 elements. That's a lot of averaging, even at an ODR of 200 Hz, that's still averaging over 2.5 seconds, and falls well outside the purview of ODR/9
2022-03-03 4:47 AM
Hi @DMeye.4 ,
please not that the AVG (average) feature is not an external operation, but is internal to the electronics and is independent from the selected ODR. It can be selected in the CTRL_REG1 (10h) register (see datasheet p.34).
Of course, increasing the internal averaging, keeping the same ODR, it will increase the current consumption, but will decrease the noise, as you have already .
Please refer to Table 20 for the detailed noise performances.
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