2022-02-22 6:48 AM
I using test library from ST:
My code is based to this code.
and I can`t fugure out why Y is too small (and not shows negative values) and Z is always 0
I placed it in all projections, according to the picture:
a) Acceleration [mg]:-32.82 3.84 0.00
b) Acceleration [mg]:-997.47 15.49 0.00
c) Acceleration [mg]:1004.24 15.37 0.00
d) Acceleration [mg]:24.34 11.59 0.00
e) Acceleration [mg]:17.08 0.06 0.00
f) Acceleration [mg]:9.64 0.00 0.00
2022-03-03 3:20 AM
Hi @Akellaerepelkin ,
I'm not sure you are reading the Y and Z axis well as the X axis... Are you using the I2C or SPI interface? And are you configure a single or a multiple reading pattern? In this second case, I would suggest you to check the correct pattern, from datasheet p.25 and 27.
By the way, can you correctly read all the other registers?