2021-12-15 10:32 PM
2021-12-15 11:03 PM
2021-12-15 11:06 PM
Hi, Thanks for your answer it is perfect answer. Do you tell me which part of data sheet? than I use zephyr os don't bare metal. I think you should learn how to communicate people in forum. @KnarfB
2021-12-15 11:31 PM
@KnarfB answer may have been cold but the answer contains a lot of useful things. Did you read the datasheet? Did you understand everything you needed to understand?
Googling can be tricky sometimes. I found this application note, look at the point 4.5, maybe it could be useful!
For the record, my google search was "lsm6dso calculate acceleration" and the Application Note was the first result.
2021-12-15 11:45 PM
Thanks, I read datasheet and application note, I read stm32duino library I found some value on library but I think it is not real value because I read 1400 value on Z acc. I finally decided to consult the forum. Maybe work with these sensor who write these topic thanks again.
2021-12-20 3:29 AM
Hi @MErkc.1 ,
you might also find useful to have a look to the LSM6DSO C drivers (lsm6dso_reg.c), where the conversion formulas from LSB to physical units are directly implemented. You have basically to multiply the LSB data for the sensitivity declared in the datasheet):
// Accelerometer FS 2g (1g = 9.81m/s^2)
float_t lsm6dso_from_fs2_to_mg(int16_t lsb)
return ((float_t)lsb) * 0.061f;
// Gyroscope FS 125dps (1dps = 1 degree per second)
float_t lsm6dso_from_fs125_to_mdps(int16_t lsb)
return ((float_t)lsb) * 4.375f;
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