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Hello, I'm searching for a gyrometer that could send only the minimum and maximum values over the last minute. I saw the LSM6DSO has FSMs. Is it possible to set the FSMs to get only the min/max values ? Thanks. Regards, Victor Tolosana

Victor Tolosana
ST Employee

Hi @Victor Tolosana​ ,

uhm, I'm afraid you cannot do this.

This computational step should be done after the acquisition.

For the LSM6DSOX the chip actually calculates the minimum and maximum for a predefined windows length (see features topic in the AN5259 app note), but they are not stored in a particular register and are just an input of the decision tree configured in the MLC block.

If you already know approximately the level of the maximum, you could set the internal thresholds of the device and trigger the FIFO acquisition starting from them, but I understand this may not fit your requirement.
