2020-04-30 1:06 PM
2020-05-06 5:03 AM
Hi @SDebo.1 , please note first that Unico GUI has to be used with the STEVAL-MKI109V3 (ProfiMEMS) hardware platform. And, if you want to test the LSM6DSOX product in the easiest way, you should use together the related evaluation board STEVAL-MKI197V1. You can refer to the user manual UM1049, p.24. for details.
The pedometer function on the Sensortile.box tool (STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1) can be tested in two ways: the 1st one is accessing the "Pedometer" example available on the STBLE Sensor smartphone app (in entry mode); the 2nd one is programming the board with the ST.box related function pack (FP-SNS-STBOX1) and selecting the DataLogExtended example (\Projects\STM32L4R9ZI-SensorTile.box\Examples\DataLogExtended), that enables you send data via USB and to configure the board via the Unicleo-GUI software. This should simplify the communication with the sensor. Regards