2018-01-08 6:19 AM
Dear Team,
I am trying to configure CTRL_REG4 of H3LIS331DL chip register value multiple times with default configuration, which is creating a problem of not generating data ready interrupt. If I am not configuring it then working fine. Could any one please tell me what went wrong or did I made configuration as wrong or Accel chip itself internally having the mechanism of if we configure CTRL_REG4 with multiple time default value then Data Ready Interrupt will not generate? Please help us finding on this.Thanks,Siva.#h3lis331dl #h3lis331dl-data-ready-interrupt #h3lis331dl-configuration2018-01-08 7:17 AM
Can please specify which value are you writing to the CTRL_REG4 and also tell me how many times you write it there.
I can then try to reproduce your issue.
But I think the problem is somewhere else, you can write to the register how many times you want.
2018-01-08 9:17 AM
Dear Miroslav,
Thanks for your reply.
Sequence will be as follows :
Power On,
Configure CTRL_REG1
I am writing the following settings to the CTRL_REG4
.BDU = 0
To reproduce the issue, Please write this values into the CTRL_REG4 and Rotate the sensor.
I am not able to reproduce the issue if accel sensor is in idle. But able to reproduce the issue, if I am rotating or shacking with my hand. This configuration I am making while sensor is rotating.
100 times I am writing into the register.
Please let us know what might be the root cause.
2018-01-08 10:43 AM
Why do you write the configuration so many times?
Cannot it be a problem with hardware connection?