2018-02-09 7:32 AM
I am working with H3LIS331DL sensor . my configuration is as follows
This scenario is working fine. we are sampling after getting the data ready interrupt.
I have some special cases where i am facing some issues.
if there is some delay in step 2 and step 3 due to some other register configuration example configuring thecontrol register 4 then (in between step 2 and 3)i am not getting the data ready interrupt. This is one issue.
Next one is after step 4 if get data ready interrupt in case if i delayed to clear the data ready interrupt by reading the data for more than 3 msec then next data ready interrupt is not triggering.
could you help me is there is sequence needs to be followed?
or what could be the reason for the above 2 issues.
thanks in advance.
with Regards,
Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2018-02-11 10:38 PM
Hi ,
Any one has any update on this?
2018-02-11 11:00 PM
I have only experience with LIS33DE.
Stupid question. Have you explicitly enabled the CTRL_REG1 (20h) Xen-Zen bits. You have not mentioned it. For your case the register value should be 0x2F.
2018-02-12 12:03 AM
Please share all register values - especially those for interrupts. OR/AND check LIR1, LIR2 bits, etc
2018-02-12 12:13 AM
Hi ,
Thanks for your reponse.
No for this sensor also CTRL_REG1 address is 20h. I have not explicitly enabled. i Read the register and update only power mode and data rate bits then i will write again.
2018-02-12 12:46 AM
1. Any reason why you update the CTRL_REG1 agian and again?
2. What you put in CTRL_REG1 initially?
3. How the interrupt register are configured?
Its is difficult to analyse it without full information what is configured
2018-02-12 5:17 AM
1. i need to sample accel data every 5 mins. so will power on the sensor configure sample then i will power off. Basically i want to save the power.
2. CTRL_REG1 initially 0x07.
my sequence as followsReaming registers i have not touched. its in default values only.
As i mentioned above the LIR1 and LIR2 are defaults values as zero.
If i remove the step 4 then things are working fine.
Please let me know if u need any more inputs.
2018-02-12 6:38 AM
I would try to clear LIR1 - CTRL_REG3 [interrupt CTRL register] (22h) = 0x00
2018-02-12 7:50 AM
sorry..i didnt get what you mean by 'I would try to clear LIR1 - CTRL_REG3 [interrupt CTRL register] (22h) = 0x00'
are you asking me to check this ?
2018-02-12 8:41 AM
I do not have this sensor now - I was thinking about setuping the CTRL_REG3 with a value of 0x00 instead of 0x02.