2022-06-27 2:29 AM
Dear SIR,
I found that LSM6DSR got negative value when X-axis is upwards, got negative value when Y-axis is upwards.
Why only Z-direction got postivie value when Z is upwards?
That seems break the right-hand-rule direction. Is ther any reason for that?
2022-07-08 8:18 AM
Hi @E-John ,
I believe this is just a matter of convention. The convention adopted is the one described in the datasheet, p.6. The arrows are indicating the value of the positive acceleration verse.
2022-07-10 5:36 PM
HI Eleon,
By right-hand-rule, the value on z-axis arrows pointed should be positvie value. Here we got the opposed result.
Just want to know what kind of convention make z-axis point to the negative acceleration value.