2019-10-24 10:07 PM
hii In stm32f411RE discovery board LSM303DLHC and S L3GD20 is present which expansion cube has the examples for this sensors
2019-10-28 7:32 AM
Hi Jagath, do you maybe refer to NUCLEO-F411RE platform (or in different case can you share me the link to that discovery)? In the case it is a Nucleo-family board, please note that there are dedicated expansion boards for LSM303DLHC, like the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2. This hardware platform is equipped by a dedicated FW including almost all the (X-CUBE-MEMS1 package) and a dedicated GUI (Unicleo-GUI), that optimized the data acquisition and embeds lots of high level applications (e.g. the eCompass).
For the L3GD20, you can always use the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 (or A3), plugging the dil-24 adapter (STEVAL-MKI107V2) in the dedicated 24-pin connector, but you have to implement a FW library to be included in your project. You can refer to the Standard ST MEMS library on Github (link here). Regards