2021-01-20 12:01 AM
We are using AlgoBuilder with the NUCLEO-L476RG and it is working pretty nice. We wanted to try out our AlgoBuilder application on an Arm Cortex M0+ board to evaluate power consumption and behaviour. From what I saw from the documentation it seems like only NUCLEO-F401RE or NUCLEO-L476RG are supported out of the box by AlgoBuilder.
Can you very that? Is there a way to use an M0+ board with AlgoBuilder, for example with the STM32-L010RB? Are there probably "inofficial" templates available? Is it even possible to port the templates for usage with an M0+ Nucleo board?
Thank you! Best wishes,
2021-01-20 7:39 AM
Hello Dominik,
currently the AlgoBuilder supports only NUCLEO-F401RE, NUCLEO-L476RG, SensorTile, SensorTile.box, STWIN out ot the box.
There is possibility to create your own Project Template for other boards using STM32CubeMX and X-CUBE-ALGOBUILD package, but we limit it to only MCUs with Cortex-M3 and M4 so far. It ts theoretically possible to prepare firmware template for Cortex-M0 MCUs but some Motion libraries needs to be removed because they are not available for M0. MCUs with Cortex-M0 also usually don't have much flash and ram memory so the project size would be quite limited.