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About the LPS22HH' s temperature compensation

Associate II


We are testing the LPS22HH on the MKI192V1, and we have got the pressure and the temperature. We also convert the pressure value to the height.

We put the LPS22HH in the metal shell, and It is not sealed. We use air guns to heat the shell, and we find that it's very strongly influenced by temperature. When the temperature increases by 10 degrees Celsius, the height changes by 7-8 meters. Doesn't it have a temperature compensation function? Why is it so susceptible to temperature?

ST Employee

Hi @烙胜 林​ , the LPS22HH is equipped by internal embedded temperature compensation, but the test you are doing seems quite stressful. I mean, did you check with a reference pressure sensor what happens to environmental pressure? I think you should heat the shell and then measure when the air gun stops. It is possible that the air causes the change in pressure reading, and not the temperature itself (btw, which temperature do you reach?)... Regards

Associate II





Hi , Eleon BORLINI (ST Employee). We put the SPL06-001 and the LPS22HH in the shell. SPL06-001 is also a pressure IC. We want to compare of them.

As the figure shows, we put them in the shell (after we heat the shell and and then measure when the air gun stops), and the shell is not sealed. Test1 is the data befor the test. I adjusted the offset so that the two heights are nearly the same. Test2 is the data after we heat the shell and and then measure when the air gun stops. We can see that the LPS22HH's height is going down, but the SPL06-001 is little change in height. test3 is the data of the shell after cooling.(LPS22HH's height slowly rise)

It seems that the LPS22HH is very strongly influenced by temperature. Or is it something wrong with my LPS22HH?