2019-02-02 3:45 PM
Dear ST Members,
How can convert the register output X,Y,Z to dps ? I read on datasheet , the range is +/- 245 dps. What's "dps" ?
Best regards,
2019-02-04 8:37 AM
hi antonius, "dps" means "degree per second", and is the physical unit of measure for a gyroscope. A gyroscope is a sensor that measures the angular rate (3 axial in this case) of a device moving and rotating together. From A3G4250 datasheed (link below), to get the output for e.g. the X axis (it means rotation around X axis) in dps concatenate the OUT_X_H and OUT_X_L, convert in 2's complement and multiply the data for 8.75 mdps/digit to obtain the output physical value. +-250dps Full Scale means that the sensor is able to measure ut to 250 dps of angular rate in bot axis directions.