2021-09-27 2:31 AM
if i use two ,aci_gatt_srv_add_service() will return 0x87 errorbut use only one,it is ok
2021-09-27 2:44 AM
Not sure to get 100% of your request. Anyway, 0x87 issue might indicates out of memory error :
#define BLE_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY ((tBleStatus)(0x87))
To avoid this, please check your code_example_config.h
Code examples from BlueNRg-LP SDK are optimized in terms of memory consumption according to number of link, services, characteristics,... used by this example.
If you add service or char to an existing code example, you may need to change config accordingly.
As an example, you may increase :
To help you in this configuration, a "BlueNRG-LP radio init wizard" is available together with DK (available from Windows menu as per SDK)
2021-09-27 3:05 AM
hi,Sebastien DENOUAL (ST Employee)
thank you very much,
i set change
from 6 to 16,
now it is ok.
you are very powerful ,thank yuo.
2024-05-09 11:43 PM
I know this is years late but this comment helped me! Thank you!