2019-02-25 8:38 PM
I am trying to create a custom Android app taking the reference of BNRG Mesh shared sample code. I am not able to create and start the network keeping smartphone as a provisioner. I am using Android plugin version 3.2.1 and Gradle version 4.6. Please help.
2019-02-26 1:59 AM
Hi NIshant,
Since you were able to compile the code and run the App earlier, you can change the images, text and App layout etc to make another App.
If you are using another approach, Kindly refer to the reference example to follow the similar scheme and APIs in the New App design
2019-02-26 9:09 PM
Also you can remove everything and keep only defaultAppCallback and mainactivity . Start with the sample project and keep only these two files.Sequence will be create network, start network => start getting callbacks for unprovisioned devices , use provision api to provision the node and then setRemote data to send command to it.
you can take help from the api guide to know how to use models and vendor commands