2017-02-15 7:04 AM
I downloaded the BlueNRG-1 Devkit, which has a project with a hid peripheral, however only the .h file is included the other part is a .lib file that i can not view, where can i find the source code for this lib?
#bluenrg-1 #stm322017-02-15 10:25 AM
,The source files are available for the BLE_HID_Peripheral example:
You can refer to this
page to download the complete software and follow the user manual BlueNRG GUI SW package.Hope this helps you.
Best Regards
2017-02-15 1:12 PM
Thank you for your reply, however as you can see in your screenshot, the library is in .lib format. I was looking for the .c file of HID_Peripheral_Library_Mouse/Keyboard.lib so i can see how they are implemented internally.
I am trying to set up a HID peripheral using HOGP on a IDB05A1, and having that source as reference would be helpful.