2017-02-05 11:27 AM
Hi i want to use SPWF01SA wifi module, but i'm confused about connections.
I want to control SPWF01S with another mcu and in my schematic i've connected only rx,tx, vcc and gnd also one connector like jtag. But i did not understand how to program module ? My jtag connections right ? In SPWF01SA with nucleo board schematics, there is a connector like a jtag. (Below
) I need help about connections with my mcu and also RTS and CTS pins. I write details below pictures. My design isSPWF_wifi.PDF.
I'm sure that, there are forgotten connections.With warmest regards.
#module #spwf01sa #wifi2017-02-06 4:07 PM
You may want to ask this question in the Interface and Connectivity IC Forum.
2017-02-16 2:21 AM
There is another post called 'About SPWF01SA connection'