2015-05-10 5:52 AM
the very first response I get when communicating with a BlueNRG is the following byte sequence: 0x4, 0xff, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1
If I get it right, I have to read it like this:
0x04 == HCI Event Packet
0xff == Event Code ->Vendor Specific
0x03 == Parameter Total Length
0x01, 0x00 == BlueNRG Event Code (ECODE) -> 0x0001
0x01 == Parameter, depends on what ECODE 0x0001 means.
The Event Code 0x0001 has the event group ID of 0, so, this would be a �HCI extension event�. When I search UM1755 for this ECODE, I only find 4.7. HCI Vendor specific commands. According to the header and description, it looks like the heading of Table 253 is wrong and should be CGID, CID, OpCode.
But what is ECODE 0x0001? Something internal that should be ignored?
Kind regards,
#bluenrg #aci #hci2015-05-11 2:32 AM
Hi Torsten,
the BlueNRG Event Code (ECODE) -> 0x0001 is the ecode of EVT_BLUE_INITIALIZED, it is the following structure:#define EVT_BLUE_INITIALIZED (0x0001)
_evt_blue_initialized{ uint8_t reason_code; } PACKED evt_blue_initialized;#endif
For further information, please see the Application NoteAN4491 (section 5), that you can find at the following link:
Regards, GM2015-05-11 2:44 AM
Hi Graziella,
thank you very much.Kind regards,Torsten